Shahebabad Union Parishad comprising of 6 villages in Brahmanpara Upzila is standing as a witness of the future.
A) Name- 7No. Shahebabad Union Parishad.
B) Size- 6 sq km: m:
C) Population: 22179 people
D) Number of villages: 6
E) Number of mouzas: 5
F) Number of hats / markets-3
G) Communication system from the upzila - by bus, CNG, easy bike
H) Literacy rate: 48.55% (as per 2011 census)
I) Number of government primary schools - 6
J) Number of non-government primary schools - 4
K) 3 secondary schools (1 junior school) 1 college
L) 3 madrasas
6) Responsible Chairman-Md. Jasim Uddin (Nanu)
N) Eidgah, an important religious place on the river
H) 1 historical tourist place
Th) UP New Building Establishment Period: Yes or No (Old)
D) Details of the newly constituted council:
Date of taking oath: 09/6/2011
Date of the first meeting: 14/06/2011
Expiry date: 14/06/2018
S) Names of villages
Shahebabad, Nagarpar, Tatera, Chatiani, Jiruin, Takai
N) Manpower of Union Parishad
Elected council members: 13
Union Parishad Secretary: 1 person
Union Village Police: 09 women - 1 person
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS